A Note on the Names:

For most of the diary, David Blumenfeld used aliases for his main characters: his father Ben-Zion became Bentze, his mother Leah was Lenetta, his wife Lena became Rosalind, and our author referred to himself as Nate, not David. Oddly, though, nearly everyone else's name is the true one. For this edited version we have used the true names when we know them, to avoid any confusion. In all other respects, however, with minor editing, the words of the diary are those of David himself. The following lists the family members who appear in this book.

Generation I

"Yanke Hennes" (Yankel Klatsov, Leah's father) b. circa 1817
Hanna Oppenheimer Klatsov b. 1815

Generation II

Leah Klatsov (Davids mother), b. circa 1844
Ben-Zion Blumenfeld (David's father), b. 1839
Moshe Laser (Lena's father) b. 1834

Generation III

Ben-Zion and Leah Blumenfeld's children:
David b.1863
Chaim (Herman) b. 1864
Simche (Jennie) b.1871
Fradel (Freda) b. 1872
Rachel (Rose) b. 1873
Margole (Margaret) b. 1879
Joshua (Joseph) b. 1884

Libshe Loss Laser and Moses Laser's children:
Lena (David's wife) b. 1865
Yette b. 1863
Mary b. 1877
Philip b. circa 1879

Generation IV

David and Lena Blumenfeld's children:

Belle b. 1888
Daughter b/d 1891
Albert b. 1894
Helen b. 1896
Moses (Joseph) b. 1904

Arthur Singer (Helen's husband) b. 1894
Ruth Mark (Albert's wife) b. 1891
Abraham Calmenson (Belle's husband) b. 1888

Generation V

Art and Helen Singer's children:
Mordecai (Mort) b. 1919, Beth b. 1921, Paul Singer b. 1924

Albert and Ruth Blumenfeld's children:
Miriam b. 1920, Lorraine b. 1924, Milton Blumenfeld b. 1925

Generation VI

Beth Singer Bentley's children:
Sean b. 1954 and Julian Bentley b. 1960

Lorraine Blumenfeld Hertz's children:
Fred, Bob, Deborah Hertz